martedì 23 marzo 2021

“Domenico Losurdo” International Prize© – Call for Proposals 2021

*** WARNING***
Deadline for submitting applications postponed to 6 September 2021

The interuniversity research group “Domenico Losurdo”, belonging to the Department of Humanities of the University of Urbino, announces – together with the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, the Internationale Gesellschaft Hegel-Marx für dialektisches Denken and the journal “Materialismo Storico” – a contest for the assignment of three prizes for scholars and researchers, for authors of unpublished monographs, degree theses or essays concerning the thought, work and method of Domenico Losurdo.

The prizes have been funded by the fam. Losurdo, the Department of “Studi Umanistici” of the University of Urbino and the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici.

The prizes will be given on January 2022, at the University of Urbino, on the occasion of the second edition of the seminar “Dialectics and Human World: From Domenico Losurdo Onwards”. The seminar will be inaugurated by prof. Michele Prospero, full professor of Political Philosophy (University of Rome “La Sapienza”). On that occasion, the winners will present their theses and discuss them with the research group and the guest lecturers.

Art. 1 Selection criteria

1. Participants must not exceed the age of 40 years at the deadline for submitting applications.
2. The texts must be unpublished and drawn up not before 2020.
3. The languages ​​that can be used are: Italian; German; English; French; Spanish; Portuguese.
4. The expected amount is 1.000 euros for the first place, 600 euros for the second, 400 euros for the third place.
5. The thematic areas of the papers must be the following:

a) From Classical German Philosophy to Marx: the difficult balance between critique and legitimation of Modernity

b) Racial despecification, chauvinism and cultural essentialism in the colonial tradition and in the processes of exclusion within capitalist metropolis

c) Women’s issue: class struggles, processes of emancipation, gender difference        

6. The minimum length of the text must be 50.000 characters including spaces.
7. The deadline for the application and abstract (about 2/3000 characters) is 15th June 2021. The deadline for the full text is 31th October 2021.
8. The prize will be awarded by a commission made up of members of the “Domenico Losurdo” research group and a member of the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. The award of the prize will be based on the following criteria:

a) ability to grasp the complexity of the issues addressed by Domenico Losurdo and to deal with them in an original and not merely repetitive way; dialectical attitude and balance in the historical-political approach to philosophical questions;

b) command of the scientific method of philosophical and political historiography;

c) comparison with national and international literature;

The Commission will identify the work to be rewarded with a reasoned and unquestionable judgment. In the event that none of the received text proves to be appropriate, the prize will not be awarded. In the event that the texts judged as appropriate should be lesser than 3, the Commission may decide to assign a number of prizes lower than established in the call. In the event that no text is clearly more valid than the others, the first prize can be divided into two lower prizes.

Art. 2 Requirements and rules for participation

1. The Commission will not consider incomplete applications and/or applications received after the deadline.
2. The application form must be sent by e-mail to the following address: ; the application must have as subject: “Application form Domenico Losurdo International Prize 2021”.
3. In the application form, the candidates have to include directly in the body of the e-mail the following data:

name and surname;
place and date of birth;
address, telephone, e-mail;
University and Degree Course attended;
year of graduation;
title of the thesis, speaker and co-supervisor, date of discussion of the thesis and grade obtained (or equivalent qualification);
possible certificate of Ph.D and information on the related thesis;
curriculum vitae with possible research experiences and publications;
the scanned copy of a valid identity document must be attached in pdf.

4. In the application the candidates must indicate in which of the thematic areas indicated above their paper is placed.
5. The application and the abstract must be sent no later than 15th June 2021.
6. By the closing date of the competition, 31th October 2021, the text must be sent in pdf to the following address indicating as subject: “Text for Domenico Losurdo International Prize 2021”.

Art. 3 Processing of personal data.

The disclosure required by art. 13 of the “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (Decreto Legislativo 30 June 2003, n. 196) is available on the website of the University of Urbino at the internet address: In any case, pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 2003 and subsequent amendments, the personal data transmitted by the competitors will be processed by the “Domenico Losurdo” research group exclusively for the purposes of managing this procedure and any award procedures in question. The communication of such data is mandatory for the purpose of assessing the participation requirements, under penalty of exclusion from the selection.

 Art. 4 Advertising and safeguard rules

 This notice will be published on the following websites:

Interested persons will find information on the timing of the evaluation and the awarding of prizes on the home of the aforementioned sites.

The winning candidates will be contacted by communication at the e-mail address indicated in the application. Selected works and other works judged to be interesting will be published in the journal “Materialismo Storico”.

For further information write to:

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